Care at Home, LLC solely provides nonmedical care.

Providing home care in Connecticut and Rhode Island

Call CT: (860) 333-6841

Call RI: (401) 537-1609

2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s

This morning we were lucky enough to start off our day at Ocean Beach for our final Walk to End Alzheimer’s meeting before the big event on September 15.

Care at Home went to the Alzheimer's Walk Meeting at Ocean Beach

Care at Home is Proud to be a supporter of the Walk to End Alzheimer's

If you would like to join our walk team or would be interested in making a donation,
please contact our office at 860-333-6025, ask for Nicole or Darcie.

What a great way to end the summer with the family and all for a wonderful cause.


Care at Home – serving New London, Connecticut, Westerly, Rhode Island
and the surrounding areas…
Call CT: (860) 333-68025 RI (401) 622-4444.